Title: COD x Eureka Ergonomic L-Shaped Desk
Product advertisment featuring Eureka Ergonomic’s Call of Duty L shaped desk line.
Role: Producer, Director, Editor, Gapher
Product advertisment featuring Eureka Ergonomic’s Call of Duty L shaped desk line.
Role: Producer, Director, Editor, Gapher
Title: Create Your Space | Eureka Ergonomic L01 L Shape Desk
Narrative advertisment featuring three actors for Eureka Ergonomic’s L shaped desk line.
Role: Producer, Director, Editor, Gapher
Narrative advertisment featuring three actors for Eureka Ergonomic’s L shaped desk line.
Role: Producer, Director, Editor, Gapher
Title: The ULTIMATE Computer Desk | Eureka Ergonomic AED-E70-B
An Epic product presentation for the AED-E70-B gaming desk.
Role: Producer, Director, Editor, Gapher
An Epic product presentation for the AED-E70-B gaming desk.
Role: Producer, Director, Editor, Gapher
Title: TRUE RGB GAMING DESK | Eureka Ergonomic GTG-I43
A product presentation for the GTG-i43 gaming desk. A super cool product with dynamic features.
Role: Producer, Director, Editor, Gapher
A product presentation for the GTG-i43 gaming desk. A super cool product with dynamic features.
Role: Producer, Director, Editor, Gapher
Title: The BEST RGB Gaming Desk | Eureka Gaming GTG-I43
Description: A CG product video for Eureka Ergonomi’s GTG-i43 gaming desk.
Role: Producer // Director
Description: A CG product video for Eureka Ergonomi’s GTG-i43 gaming desk.
Role: Producer // Director
TItle: The ORIGINAL Gaming Desk | Eureka Gaming Z1-S
Description: A CG product video for Eureka Ergonomic’s Z1-S gaming Desk.
Role: Producer // Director
Description: A CG product video for Eureka Ergonomic’s Z1-S gaming Desk.
Role: Producer // Director
Title: Have you heard? Insight into El Dorado Hills & Chamber Membership
Description: El Dorado Hills Chamber of Commerce Members share their insight into the El Dorado Hills community and benefits of membership in the El Dorado Hills Chamber. Testimonials are voluntary and unscripted.
Role: Producer, Director, Editor, DP
Description: El Dorado Hills Chamber of Commerce Members share their insight into the El Dorado Hills community and benefits of membership in the El Dorado Hills Chamber. Testimonials are voluntary and unscripted.
Role: Producer, Director, Editor, DP
Title: Folsom Lake College Presents: Mosaic Dance
Description: Interviews and testimonies of the Mosaic Dance Crew for Folsom Lake College.
Role: Producer, Director, Editor, DP
Description: Interviews and testimonies of the Mosaic Dance Crew for Folsom Lake College.
Role: Producer, Director, Editor, DP
Title: ZX-i1 Gaming Desk | Immersion done right
Description: An epic drift experience immersed in LA culture
Role: Director // Editor
Description: An epic drift experience immersed in LA culture
Role: Director // Editor
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